Five Teenage Boys Apprehended Following Series of Burglaries and High-Speed Chase


A series of commercial break-ins culminated in a dramatic car chase that ended with the arrest of five teenage boys on Monday morning. The incidents began late Sunday night when authorities responded to a report of a burglary at a Shell Station located on Northeast 78th Street. A witness reported hearing glass shatter and observing several individuals wearing masks and carrying backpacks entering the premises. Surveillance footage later confirmed four suspects breaking into the store after smashing glass.

Shortly thereafter, another alarm was triggered at Wayside Market, situated on Northeast 134th Street. Upon arrival, officers discovered a broken window but no immediate sign of the culprits. Video evidence revealed a dark grey Subaru station wagon parked outside, which had also been seen near the earlier crime scene. Hours later, this same vehicle was linked to a burglary in Skamania County and was last spotted heading into Clark County via State Route 14.

The pursuit intensified when a Camas police officer located the Subaru near Northeast 192nd Avenue. After attempting to initiate a traffic stop, the driver fled, prompting a high-speed chase through Vancouver and into Clark County. Eventually, the Subaru was cornered in a residential area where it came to a halt. Five young males exited the vehicle and attempted to escape on foot. One suspect was quickly apprehended following a brief chase, while the others sought refuge in a nearby residence. Law enforcement set up a perimeter and negotiated with the homeowner, leading to the peaceful arrest of the remaining suspects without further incident.

This operation underscores the importance of community vigilance and effective law enforcement collaboration. The swift response and coordinated efforts by multiple agencies ensured public safety and brought these juveniles to justice. Authorities are now investigating whether these burglaries are connected to other recent crimes in the area. Such incidents highlight the need for ongoing cooperation between residents and law enforcement to maintain safe neighborhoods.


